(1159) Listening and Viewing Strategies Blog Post

Note taking has been something we’ve all learned since we learned to write. Most of us correlate note taking with test taking. Notes are meant to study and prep you for the test you’ll have to complete. In college professors look at note taking as more than just copying down notes from the board word for word. They look at it as participation. They can tell what students took notes to learn and truly applied themselves. They can tell who participated class and is giving it their all. This weeks note taking modules taught me how to record my lectures. By class being online majority of our lectures are recorded but taking a recording on your phone actually helps. Record those specific topics that you need to focus and pay more attention too. This has taught me repition which allows the material to come to me by second nature.

In the future, I would love to incorporate Cornell Notes into my studies. The look of them gives me way less anxiety, they’re more straight forward, and they have an effective layout. Based on what I’ve learned this week your studies/grades are only as good ad your notes. If you do your notes poorly then they reflect on your grades and teachers pay attention to this.

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