
Although I have had many amazing experiences at Ohio State, having the opportunity to vote in my first presidential election was probably the most meaningful.  Although the election did not turn out the way I had hoped, the experience overall taught me many valuable lessons about my country, brought me closer to the people around me, and allowed me to grow as a person.

The I <3 Voting sticker I received (but instead of a heart it’s the state of Ohio) is an artifact that represents my first time voting well.  I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to vote in such a powerful swing state, especially as an out-of-state student here at OSU.

The sticker came from the polling place at the Union where I cast my vote.  It represents the fact that I know I am able to have a real say in one of the most important decisions the United States makes.  I have had a tangible impact on my country, and I am incredibly grateful for that.

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