Garden-to-Plate Video Series


Food Innovation Center member and Ohio State Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Educator Shari L. Gallup has created a wonderful garden-to-plate video series. This project is a series of five separate videos, taking the consumer from “garden-to-plate.” The videos were developed to empower those who want to know more about how to take vegetables from local garden, farmers market or grocery producer aisle, and turn them into healthy, simple foods that fight or prevent disease.

Gallup said the project started when a Master Gardener volunteer in Licking County attended Gallup’s Dining with Diabetes program. Dining with Diabetes is a series of classes led by OSU Extension and community health partners. It includes diabetes education and cooking demonstrations for people with diabetes and their spouses and partners. The participant suggested that the Dining with Diabetes and the Master Gardener programs in Licking County team up, and so the story began–in the hearts and minds of those wanting to garden for the greater good.

The 2- to 4-minute videos include nutrition information and demonstrate how to make:

Cucumber dill dip
Green beans with nuts and cranberries
Pesto and herbs
Spaghetti squash

The videos feature Gallup and Linda James, Master Gardener volunteer and former home economics teacher at Newark High School.

The project was a cooperative effort between Licking County’s OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences and Master Gardener programs. Licking County Senior Levy funds earmarked for diabetes education provided support. The videos were filmed at the Licking County Master Gardener Demonstration Gardens and the Bryn Du Mansion in Licking County.


Meet the Author

GallupSShari L. Gallup is a Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Educator for the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University. She is the State Program Co-Leader for the Dining with Diabetes program conducted by Ohio State University Extension.

One thought on “Garden-to-Plate Video Series

  1. Gardens are wrapping up for the season in Ohio and one of my favorite things to do during the Thanksgiving break is to clean out my garden.

    I become mindful of my small garden and food it provided for my family and the joy it brought us.

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