

State-qualifying and All Ohio swimming relay

State-qualifying and All Ohio swimming relay

Swimming awards from senior year

Swimming awards from senior year

Swimming has been an extremely important part of my life for over 8 years. I joined the swim team at the age of 11 just for fun, but it grew to be far more than a pastime by the age of 18. I learned how to communicate, be a part of a team, take constructive criticism, handle failure, battle setbacks such as injury, and most of all, develop a passion for something and let nothing stand between me and my goals. I was a four-year varsity swimmer and achieved the titles of District Qualifier, State Qualifier, Brave Award Recipient, Swim Team Captain, and All-Ohio Athlete with numerous school records. I gained so much insight about myself throughout my years in the sport and identify strongly with the lessons it has taught me. I plan on continuing my involvement with the sport for many years to come!


Receiving Writer of the Year award

Receiving Writer of the Year award

Although I would consider myself rather technical, writing has always been an exceptional outlet for creativity amidst all the math and science I surround myself with. After much effort and time put toward my essays during senior, I was honored with the Writer of the Year award from a teacher that taught me so much about what it means to truly pour yourself into your work. I am excited to continue to use my writing skills, whether it be in or out of the workplace. In addition, I am constantly improving my Spanish writing skills. Learning another language is something I feel so much passion toward, as it makes me so excited to think of all the people I could communicate with that I wouldn’t be able to in English. It keeps me happily balanced between concrete concepts of math and science and abstract themes of writing and culture.

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