Module 3-Efficiency in the Modern Age Blog Post

Throughout this week I was able to explore the use of the computer more than I was initially comfortable doing, especially in the form of tracking my week down to the tiniest detail (So that may be a little melodramatic) and finding out that I am much more boring than I had originally anticipated. My boringness aside however, I was able to explore how I went about my life a little more effectively than I had been able to in the past and was able to dive into the “why” of my general procrastination within my school career. In doing this I found that I may simply not have enough time on my hands to accomplish every task I would like to, and it is most likely causing the rest of my tasks to suffer because of it. In Tim Urban’s TED talk he explains his procrastination issues as basically a response to simply not wanting to do what he should and doing what he wants until the last moment and panic strikes. This sounds fairly familiar to me (except the monkey) and I was not shocked when I tried to apply this to my own situation, but I found that my willingness to be distracted is simply due to the fact that I don’t do much more than work, whether it be for school, or one of my two jobs. Unlike Tim I am at a loss as to how to correct this in my own life without simply sacrificing one of the things I do in order to make ends meet time-wise. I hope that none of my classmates have this dilemma and I also wish you all good luck in your studies!

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