Module 2 Blog Post, Chase Fomich

I find that in today’s new normal online world that we all must participate inĀ  (some of us being excited, others not so much) that there is no small amount of trepidation in how we all communicate and learn along side one another. These trying times can see many of us using the internet in communication more than we have in the past, with this blog post being a perfect example, and it has come to mind that many of us less tech savvy or internet familiar people have a hard time expressing our ideas and tone effectively to others. I find that the idea of Netiquette is a much more useful tool than I had originally suspected in my computers courses back in high school lead me to believe. Even though we have all written possibly countless emails to our advisors, professors and fellow students, the use of the standardized email template provided in this module is probably a good refresher for some. However, the most important part I found to be was the more specific wordage that is used in this method of communication, as the main features in traditional communication is lost to some of us in text. Even as I write this I find that I constantly reread and alter this post in order to try and convey a friendly attitude towards you all while also not becoming robotic in doing so. I hope that armed with this understanding of communication breakdown (for some) that we do not jump to conclusions in their attempts to be courteous (whether they are successful or not).

Here is the video from the lecture that inspired this post:

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