Call for Papers
2nd Foreign Language Research & Teaching Symposium
January 25th (Friday), 2019, 9 am – 5pm
Ohio Union 3rd floor: Suzanne M. Scharer Room
This symposium offers an academic platform for graduate students to present, share, and discuss their current teaching and research projects, term papers, dissertations, theses, proposals etc. that are related to L2 Research and Teaching, Bi/Multilingualism, and Applied Linguistics. Each presenter will have 15 minutes to present his/her paper followed by a 5-minute Q&A session (20 minutes in total). We also welcome students who would like to practice their presentations for future conferences or job talks. If you are interested in practicing your job talk at the symposium, please contact us individually so that we can allocate a longer time slot for your session.
Proposal Submission Deadline: December 14, 2018
Please submit your proposal for a 15-minute individual paper presentation using the online form provided:
Proposals should include a title and a short description (250 words).
We will send out acceptance notifications by December 20, 2018. We will consider your teaching and seminar obligations when scheduling the panels.
For questions, please contact Nicole King (