Director, Bridget Allen Chapman, M.A. CCC-SLP

Meet Bridget Allen Chapman, M.A. CCC-SLP, Clinical Assistant Professor, and Director of the Flaum Center for Stuttering:

Bridget Allen Chapman, M.A. CCC-SLP

Ms. Chapman is a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist and Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science at OSU. She holds a B.S. from West Virginia University and her M.A. from the University of Pittsburgh. She is an active candidate for Specialty Certification in Fluency and Fluency Disorders through the American Board of Fluency and Fluency Disorders.   Ms. Chapman has experience working with children and adults who stutter in a variety of settings including in a private practice and in the schools. She was the recipient of two scholarships through the Stuttering Foundation to further her clinical education in fluency disorders in 2015 and 2017. Ms. Chapman is passionate in helping people who stutter develop their communication skills and confidence in communicating. She is committed to developing clinicians that can provide competent and compassionate care to people who stutter. Ms. Chapman is actively involved in FRIENDS: The National Association of Young People Who Stutter and SSPEAK: The Annie Glenn Chapter of the National Stuttering Association at The Ohio State University.