Statistics in Carmen

Carmen is a tremendous teaching tool. Through Carmen tools such as Content, Discussions, Dropbox, Quizzing, Surveys, and Grades, students and educators can interact with content and each other.  All of this interaction creates data and Carmen allows educators to catch a glimpse of how their students are using Carmen through Carmen Statistics.

Carmen Statistics

Carmen Statistics allows an educator to see how an entire class is interacting with Carmen Content and allows for an in-depth look at individual students. Through Carmen Statistics an educator can see what topics students are referring to the most in their studies and perhaps where more attention is needed in class for review of important concepts. Carmen Statistics can allow education to be tailored to a particular class or student.

A guide is available on how to find and export statistics from Carmen:

Carmen Statistics Guide

If you have any questions about using Carmen Statistics to help in your instruction or any questions in general, please contact the Fisher ITS Helpdesk.

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