2022 Conference Program

Monday, August 1 (in-person only)

3:00 – 5:00 pm            Conference Registration

3:30 – 5:00 pm            Optional collaboration meetings

Interested attendees will be put in small groups to share and get feedback on ideas or early works in process and/or identify shared interests for potential future collaborations. Attendees can also use this time to work on existing projects with collaborators in attendance.

5:30 – 8:30 pm            Dinner

In small informal groups, restaurant suggestions provided (the only listed meal not included with in-person conference registration).

Tuesday, August 2

7:30 – 8:10 am            Conference Registration, Breakfast (in-person only)

8:10 – 8:20 am            Welcome and Opening Remarks

8:20 – 9:30 am            Paper Session: Multiple Commitments and Multiple Bond Types

Targets, Reasons, and Dynamics of Commitment Across the Life Course: (Ex)Changing Ideologies and Rules  
David Cross, Southampton Business School (d.e.cross@soton.ac.uk)
Nima Ali Edinburgh Business School (n.ali@hw.ac.uk)
Melissa Treen, University of Bath (mct36@bath.ac.uk)
Juani Swart University of Bath (j.a.swart@bath.ac.uk)

Commitment Across Life Domains: A Person-Centered Analysis of Commitments in Volunteer Firefighters       
Georg Loscher, Bundeswehr University Munich (georg.loscher@unibw.de)
Sascha A. Ruhle, Tilburg University (S.A.Ruhle@tilburguniversity.edu)
Heiko Breitsohl, University of Klagenfurt (heiko.breitsohl@aau.at)

Assessing workplace bonds beyond commitment: Development of target neutral scales for identification, instrumental and acquiescence bonds 
Howard J. Klein, The Ohio State University (klein.12@osu.edu)
Heiko Breitsohl, University of Klagenfurt (heiko.breitsohl@aau.at)
Marina Schefer, University of Osnabrueck (marina.schefer@uni-osnabrueck.de)
Tammo Straatmann, University of Osnabrueck (tammo.straatmann@uni-osnabrueck.de)
Karsten Mueller, University of Osnabrueck (karsten.mueller@uni-osnabrueck.de)

9:40 – 10:40 am          Panel Discussion: Cross-Level Influences on Employee Commitment:  What We Know and What We Need to Learn

Thomas E. Becker, University of South Florida (teb1@usf.edu)
James W. Bishop, New Mexico State University (jbishop@nmsu.edu)
Yvonne G. T. van Rossenberg, Radboud University (yvonne.vanrossenberg@ru.nl)
Arzu Wasti, Sabanci University (arzu.wasti@sabanciuniv.edu)

10:50 am – 12:00        Paper Session: Commitment in Understudied Contexts

Are There Bonds to Precarious Work? Understanding Commitment and Entrenchment of Rideshare and Delivery App Workers in Brazil
Giselle Cavalcante Queiroz, University of São Paulo (gisellecqueiroz@gmail.com)
Juliana Correia Da Silva, University of São Paulo (juliana.correia.s@outlook.com)
Ana Carolina de Aguiar Rodrigues, University of São Paulo (anacarolina.ar@usp.br)

Employee reciprocity in an African work context: Understanding the role of under fulfilled social expectations and co-worker relationships.  
Oluseyi Aju, University of Huddersfield (o.o.aju3@hud.ac.uk)
Eshani Beddewela, University of Huddersfield (E.S.Beddewela@hud.ac.uk)

Commitment tensions for healthcare professionals during the pandemic 
Frances Jørgensen, Royal Roads University (Frances.Jorgensen@royalroads.ca)

12:00 – 12:10 pm       Report-outs from Monday Collaborations

12:10 – 12:55 pm        Lunch

12:55 – 1:55 pm          Panel Discussion: Challenges in Conducting Cross-Level Research

Heiko Breitsohl, University of Klagenfurt (heiko.breitsohl@aau.at)
Kaifeng Jiang, The Ohio State University (jiang.1788@osu.edu)
Kathleen R. Keeler, The Ohio State University (keeler.79@osu.edu)

2:05 – 3:15 pm           Paper Session: New Insights on Union, Goal, and Organizational Commitments   

Commitment in Action: How Different Forms of Union Commitment Develop and Influence Union Activism
Emma Lei Jing, University of Alberta (ljing1@ualberta.ca)
Lianne M. Lefsrud, University of Alberta (lefsrud@ualberta.ca)
Ian R. Gellatly, University of Alberta (ian.gellatly@ualberta.ca)

Hyper Goal Commitment and Extraordinary Performance 
Thomas E. Becker, University of South Florida (teb1@usf.edu)
Howard J. Klein, The Ohio State University (klein.12@osu.edu)

Talent turnover in high-tech industry: is there a contagion effect? 
Ksenia Usanova, University of Luxembourg, (ksenia.usanova@uni.lu)
Mickael Geraudel, University of Luxembourg (mickael.geraudel@uni.lu)

3:25 – 4:25 pm            Symposium: Exploring Methodologies for Advancing Commitment Systems Theory       

David Cross, Southampton Business School (d.e.cross@soton.ac.uk)

Ana Carolina de Aguiar Rodrigues, University of São Paulo (anacarolina.ar@usp.br)
Lucas dos Santos Costa, University of São Paulo (adm.lucassantos@usp.br)
Yvonne G. T. van Rossenberg, Radboud University (yvonne.vanrossenberg@ru.nl)
Leon Hupkens, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (l.hupkens@vu.nl)

4:25 – 4:45 pm            Facilitated Discussion of First Day

5:00 pm                       Group Tour and Dinner at Brewdog Dogtap Columbus (in-person only)

(96 Gender Rd., Canal Winchester, OH 43110).  Transportation will be provided to and from the brewery. We will depart from the Blackwell lobby at 5:00. Closed toed shoes must be worn to go on the brewery tour.

Wednesday, August 3

7:30 – 8:10 am            Breakfast (in-person only)

8:10 – 9:10 am            Panel Symposium: Teaching Commitment? Come together to make impact through CoP and COIL

Yvonne G. T. van Rossenberg, Radboud University (yvonne.vanrossenberg@ru.nl)
Ana Carolina de Aguiar Rodrigues, University of São Paulo (anacarolina.ar@usp.br)
Arzu Wasti, Sabanci University Istanbul (arzu.wasti@sabanciuniv.edu)
Annabel Buiter, Radboud University (annabel.buiter2@fm.ru.nl)
Lucas dos Santos Costa, University of São Paulo (adm.lucassantos@usp.br)
Shabnam Shanurkeyl, Radboud University (shabnam.shanurkeyl@student.ru.nl)

9:20 – 10:30 am          Paper Session: Novel Commitment Antecedents and Outcomes

Commitment and Sickness Presenteeism: The Role of Commitment Towards Different Targets in the Decision of Attending Work While Ill      
Sascha A. Ruhle, Tilburg University (S.A.Ruhle@tilburguniversity.edu)

Can Leaders’ Receipt of Proactive Helping Affect Their Commitment to the Subordinates? Integrating Theories of Approach-Avoidance and Challenge-Hindrance     
Hanho Lee, The Ohio State University (lee.10062@osu.edu)
Hun Whee Lee, The Ohio State University (lee.7313@osu.edu)
Russell E. Johnson, Michigan State University (johnsonr@broad.msu.edu)

Workplace commitment and knowledge sharing: A reflexive thematic analysis
Melissa Treen, University of Bath (mct36@bath.ac.uk)
Juani Swart, University of Bath (mnsjas@bath.ac.uk)
Stefanie Gustafsson, University of Bath (sd423@bath.ac.uk)
Farooq Mughal, University of Bath (fm342@bath.ac.uk)

10:40 – 11: 45 am       Collaboration Session and Report-outs

Facilitated small group discussions around key issues identified during the conference with the goal of identifying a research agenda shared interests in collaboratively pursuing that agenda

11:45 am – 12:00        Conference Awards and Closing Remarks