Author: fisher.1763
Sketchbook 2
this stop sign I found while on a walk through something called the “rock garden” in wapakoneta, Ohio. The rock garden is a very well known back yard of a man who has transformed his entire backyard into huge boulders , crazy sculptures and lots and lots of cool and unique things such as this stop sign. It stated, “never STOP loving” there were flowers all wrapped into it with purple and pink and I loved it.
I will copy the link to where you can see pictures of this rock garden.
Project 10- cartoon
For my cartoon I wanted to touch base on cyber bullying and it’s underlying effects that we don’t realize it has. My character is Cali. She has posted a picture which hence had lots of backlash and negative comments from her classmates. Through my cartoon I wanted to show how no matter where she is , at home in bed, in school, or out in public, that she can’t hide from cyber bullying because unfortunately our phones and technology follow us and are everywhere no matter if want them to be or not. As she’s red and bright in the beginning, her red begins to fade to blue as the story goes on. It ends sadly with her unfortunately taking her life after her family said she’s happy and popular etc.. However, we can paint a good picture for ourselves and make it seem like we are okay even when we are not no matter if we are happy, excited, or popular. Cyber bullying doesn’t care. Due to social media having a cover because it is only on the phones, others don’t see what we go through.
I want to spread awareness on this because it is hard enough to be ten agents or young adults without bullying. However, add in cyber bullying and technology and our lives turn upside down.
Project 9- pattern
Project 9 pattern
Homework 12- response to module 5
My overall thoughts from module 5 were that I enjoyed it. Doing project 8 (the collage) was super fun and I loved bringing out my creative side when I did the project and using the magazines. I was able to cut up colors I needed and used my imagination to produce the picture I did! My strengths were the way I was able to make the picture look the way I did! The colors I chose and cut out went well together and I think the flow of the collage went well. One thing I could have worked on was definitely making the picture have more to it. Maybe another tree or another structure. However, overall, I think it was well and was very fun!
Project – 7
here is my work in progress and my final image for project 7. I had a lot of fun doing this project. To explain:
The Astronaut is looking over this earth. He or she has tools in their hand as if ready to fix or help out. Our earth is full of issues, repairs, and these need done urgently before earth breaks. (This can relate to issues in real life as well but use your imagination).
he or she is ready to help but is also looking down in the bubble below the broken planet. It shows a beautiful image almost as if that’s ideally what he or she needs to make this broken earth look like in the future. I came up with this when I turned on my tv for one minute or less and the news made me turn is right off. We have so much going on in our lives right now that we need to step back (as if up to space) and think about how we could make a difference by helping and repairing earth. All we have to do is keep a vision in mind of what we want it to be and work to get it done.
Project 8- collage
For this collage I used a variety of different objects. I used flower pedals, a magazine I subscribe to, and leaves. The flower and leaves come from my engagement over the weekend. I loved the flowers that were given to me and it is very special so I loved incorporating it into my collage. The tree is used because that is where I met my now fiancé and I wanted to re create this in a special way and a way I can frame as well. I loved this project !