Project – 7

here is my work in progress and my final image for project 7. I had a lot of fun doing this project. To explain:

The Astronaut is looking over this earth. He or she has tools in their hand as if ready to fix or help out. Our earth is full of issues, repairs, and these need done urgently before earth breaks. (This can relate to issues in real life as well but use your imagination).

he or she is ready to help but is also looking down in the bubble below the broken planet. It shows a beautiful image almost as if that’s ideally what he or she needs to make this broken earth look like in the future. I came up with this when I turned on my tv for one minute or less and the news made me turn is right off. We have so much going on in our lives right now that we need to step back (as if up to space) and think about how we could make a difference by helping and repairing earth. All we have to do is keep a vision in mind of what we want it to be and work to get it done.


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