My First Week!

My first week at OSU has been a whirlwind, but definitely a good whirlwind!! Move in and welcome week went really well! The sheer amount of people at every event was slightly overwhelming. I’ve been to big events before I got here, but I definitely was not used to how big this school is! But even though the amount of people is overwhelming, the size of OSU has already helped me a lot, and given me a lot to be excited about. For example, at the involvement fair I saw at least twenty clubs that I could see myself joining. I was only in one club in high school, so this is definitely a change I’m excited about! I’m, planning to get involved in 4 Paws for Ability and Off the Lake, and I’m so excited to get started. The first few weeks of classes have been a little weird because I’ve always paired my classes with extracurriculars, but now I only have classes. I know this will change soon, but I’m really excited to get involved outside of classes. My roomate and I are getting along really well so far, and everyone on my hall is already pretty close, which is amazing. Overall my first week has been great, and I can’t wait to see what happens next!