Above are the basic AutoCAD drawings for the proposed road connecting to the airport road and County Road I-193. Three different road alternates were considered. The road that was chosen above was the alternate 2 option as seen in the video posted on the following page. This road was chosen due to cheaper cost.  Below each draft is a graph exhibiting the proposed grading from specified stations: station 0+00 to station 20+23.16 on the left and station 20+23.16 to station 38+49 on the right. The reason this alternate was the cheapest alternate is due to a near equal cut and fill for regrading of the land.

Above are the specified proposed road sections for the proposed road. The road will consist of two 12.5 feet lanes, one in each direction. The road will have five feet of lateral clearance, i.e. a shoulder, on either side of the lanes. The road makeup will consist of a surface material, a base material, and a subbase material. An 8 inch Subgrade Compaction will be used for the subbase of the road. A 9 inch layer of ODOT Item 304 Aggregate Base will be used for the road base. ODOT Item 304 Aggregate Base is a gravel aggregate mix used to protect against weather conditions. A 3 inch layer of the ODOT Item 442 Asphalt Concrete Surface Course, composed of aggregate and bituminous materials, will be utilized for the exposed road surface. In total, there will be 22 inches of road materials.

Above is a draft of the edge of pavement and elevation for the edge of the road and along the shoulder. The draft illustrates how the proposed road will intersect with existing County Road I-193.