
Time Activity Location
12:30 pm Poster Preview
Grab a box lunch and preview posters before the program begins
Partner Zone (Pomerene 301)
1:00 pm Registration opens Lobby area outside of Partner Zone
1:30 pm Opening Remarks
Cathann Kress – Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Dean, CFAES and Cynthia Carnes – Senior Associate Vice-President for Research Operations, Office of Research (Remarks from Dr. Carnes via video recording)
Ideation ZoneĀ  (Pomerene 320)
1:40 pm Impact of Foods for Health at OSU
Devin Peterson – Distinguished Professor of Food Science & Technology and FFH Faculty Director
Ideation Zone
1:55 pm Flash Talks
Research updates from Foods for Health Core Faculty and other OSU collaborators
Ideation Zone
2:30 pm Poster session and Networking Break Partner Zone
3:15 pm Flash talks
Research updates from Foods for Health Core Faculty and other OSU collaborators
Ideation Zone
3:50 pm Research Roundtables Ideation Zone/Partner Zone
4:50 pm Report out Ideation Zone
5:00 pm Research Networking and Posters
Join us for a social hour with complimentary hors d’oeuvres, soft drinks, and a cash bar
Partner Zone