The Ohio State University

Recommend studying technologies

Here are the useful technologies that I found is useful for me.

1. Study Manager

This software is an app that you can write down what you are going to do next in advance. In planning the course work for the next week, you can combine many factors such as the learning place, the surrounding environment, and the people you are going to study with. This software can help me set my SMART goals more easily. However, the weakness of this app is that if we have another app that is similar to this app, we may rarely open this app.

2. Trello

This is a  software that helps me plan my course work for the coming week. This software can divide my homework into three parts: unfinished, ongoing, and finished. This way, every time I turn on the app, each of my assignments clearly shows its completion status and deadline. However, the weakness of this app is that it does not send reminders to users to complete their to-do lists.


3. Notability

The software is the digital equivalent of the notebook. Moreover, it is more convenient than taking notes on paper. We can directly import the PowerPoint of the class into this app, and then use the apple pencil to write and make notes directly on the iPad. When reading some articles in PDF, we can also import the PDF directly into the app and then annotate and highlight it,  which will help us understand the content of the articles more easily. The disadvantage is that when PowerPoint is imported into the app, the format and color of the page may be changed, so that some text may be blocked by the picture, or even the background color may be too dark to see the text.