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Buttons Fund for Feline Chronic Kidney Disease Research

The Buttons Fund for Feline Chronic Kidney Disease Research supports cutting-edge research in chronic kidney disease in cats as well as other feline-related research.  Under the direction of Dr. Jessica Quimby, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (Internal Medicine), this research includes projects designed to understand the mechanisms of renal aging and disease, assess the efficacy of medications to improve the outcome and quality of life for chronic kidney disease cats, as well as investigations into novel treatment strategies, which are then tested via a rigorous clinical trials program.

Current Fund Vision

  • One of the major aims of the fund is to support clinical studies for CKD cats, typically ranging from $10,000-45,000 per study.
  • Another major fund aim is to support veterinary students’ education about feline research. Buttons Fund has supported students to participate in the Summer Scholars Program ($5000/student) which provides experiences in research education.
  • A second educational aim is to mentor young doctors (interns and residents) in their involvement in feline clinical trials. Currently six young doctors are participating in projects supported by Buttons Fund. Support of these research studies promotes interest in feline clinical trials and helps residents meet the publication requirement for board certification in small animal internal medicine.
  • These opportunities enhance understanding of interacting with cats in a clinical trials setting, and the importance of advancing feline medicine.

Click Here for Buttons Fund Annual Report 2024