User Manual

An organized, easy-to-read guide describing how to play the game. You may assume the user already has the PROTEUS Simulator loaded. Images are recommended.

This game is called FEH Pokemon Battles. Once the Proteus Simulator has been launched, the user has the option to select either play, instructions, statistics, references, or exit. The first thing a player should do is click the instructions page and read the brief instructions posted.

Once this is complete, press the play button. After the play button is pressed, the user will be shown a character-select screen.

The first player should now choose their character. Once the first player chooses their character, the second player will be prompted to choose their character. Once both characters have been selected, the game will start.


The screen will populate, showing both characters and four moves at the bottom of the screen. The player whose character has the highest speed stat will be allowed to move first. On each given turn of the game, each player has four options/moves to choose from. Each move has a base power and base accuracy value. When an attack is chosen, its base power will be multiplied by the user’s attack stat, and if the accuracy roll is within the accuracy value for that character, the attack will land. The attack will take off the amount of attack power it holds off the opposing player’s HP bar. Turns are traded back and forth until only one player is left standing. The Character standing with HP left at the end of the fight is declared the winner, and the game will reset.