Conclusions, Recommendations, & References


o What went well, what problems you encountered, what you learned from those problems, and how you used that knowledge to improve your game:

During the brainstorming, planning, and creation of this game, a lot went well, and a lot of roadblocks were encountered. When the brainstorming phase started, our team instantly thought of the idea of  Pokémon, a fun, classic game that both members of the team enjoyed. We realized that when making our own game, we were able to choose and create the Pokémon in the game, and what better people to choose for this role than our peers and instructors?! This idea quickly became the favorite of the team, and they decided that would be the game they made.

When planning out the game, we thought that certain aspects of the coding process would be simple, but we were drastically wrong. What started out as a couple of functions turned into tens and twenties. This was a big surprise because, during the planning of the game, we didn’t account for the replayability factor of the game, which required a lot of the code to be called back in loops. Creating all of these functions was a time-consuming process, but the team is proud of their finished(unfinished) product.

Another problem encountered was importing images into the game. The team members originally thought that it would be a simple function built into the Proteus and wouldn’t be a confusing process at all. Instead, the team needed to use a script in MATLAB (ikr?) to convert jpeg files into accepted file types for the Proteus. Once the team figured this out with the help of their amazing TA, Sawyer, they were able to bring the characters’ sprites into the game to reality.

o Discuss the ways in which your game created value for the user and for society as well as any potential harmful outcomes:

FEH Pokemon Battles fosters a fun, casual, stimulating environment for students. Many of our classmates and peers struggle with dealing with stress due to the burden engineering puts on its first-year students. The goal of FEH Pokemon Battles was to create a game that our peers could play to destress and relax once in a while. It fosters a playful, competitive environment between friends that isn’t usually given to students. In society, this game can help create more mentally healthy, strong, and smart engineering for the future. Little things can have big impacts on people when they are young, and the stress of college is one of them. Team JD wanted to find a fun way to decrease this stress, and that’s how the game came to be. One potentially harmful outcome of the game is that it uses real people in a fighting simulation. Team JD does not condone any sort of real-world replication of this game, and it is all supposed to be for comical relief.


o Ideas for future development and any features you would have added to the game if you had more time:

If more time had been granted for the creation of the game, Team JD would have implemented several new mechanics. One new thing that could have been implemented would be advanced graphics. The team was not provided with much time to create detailed projectiles and animations for specific attacks in the game, but in the future, the team would love to develop this part of the game.

Another big thing the team wanted to implement would be non-damaging moves. Moves that don’t do damage but instead raise and lower certain stats for the user and opponent. This would be necessarily hard, but not enough time was granted to implement this function. Maybe it can be brought in a later update???

o A list of the references you consulted, including those already cited in the code:

FEH proteus Website

SDP Overview

Pokemon font generator: