The main navigation in this game is completed using the button boards attached to the Proteus. The right button board utilizes all three buttons, while the middle button on the left one is the only button on that board in use.
The right button board is used to navigate the menu. The left and right buttons control movement through the menu, while the middle button is used to select the option to be run.
In the menu, there are five options:Play Game, See Rules, View Leaderboards, Credits, Quit.
Play Game allows you to run the main Snake game. In the game, the left and right buttons used to navigate the menu cause your snake to go left and right. The middle button on that board allows for the snake to be moved towards the bottom of the screen, while the middle button on the other board causes the snake to move towards the top of the screen. Eating food makes your snake grow larger. The game continue until the player loses by either colliding with the walls or the snake itself.
See Rules outlines basic rules of how to play the game. The rules are simple. Eat the food, the square pellets on screen, while not colliding with yourself or the walls.
View Leaderboards shows the best scores recorded in the current game.
Credits provides acknowledgement to the brilliant minds that built this game.
Quit ends the game.