Performance Check 5
Date: 4/5/23
Number of Runs: 1
The goal of performance checkpoint five was to transport the suitcase into one of the carriers and then press the stop button on the bottom deck of the course. Bonus points were awarded if the luggage was dropped into the higher carrier and also if the checkpoint was completed early. Our robot earned all of the preliminary points as well as the bonus points for completing the checkpoint before the due date.
The function used to carry the luggage is the same function previously used to flip the levers. The “duck bill” attached to the servo motor and erector set pieces began at an upright position of thirty degrees to keep the luggage from falling out beforehand and then dropped down to a twenty five degree angle to release the luggage into the lower carrier. To press the final button, the robot lined up with the button box and rammed backwards into it.
For the checkpoint, the luggage function did perform as expected. Based on unofficial tests, an erector piece had to be installed to keep the suitcase from falling backwards onto the proteus. We also had to lower the motor speed in the code because in the beginning, it turned so fast the suitcase would come flying out. Once we made these alterations, the robot was successful in transporting the suitcase and pushing the button.
That being said, there was an issue with RPS depending on which computer the code was offloaded from. On some computers, the RPS was able to connect and send values perfectly fine, but on others team member laptops, the RPS struggled to send any values at all. We believe this is most likely due to the absence of files on those computers and are still trying to fix the issue. For now, the code is being offloaded from the laptops that do work with RPS.
Before the class performance check, we plan to test this code in conjunction with the other tasks to make sure that it still works within the time limit when the robot has to navigate the entire course.