Meet the Team!

The Alley Rats Holding Ethyl 

The team consisted (from left to right) of Alex Berkes, Cassidy Bollman, Sara McGreal, and Sujitt Rameshkumar. The name the team created for themselves is the “Alley Rats” and they decided to name their robot Ethyl. Descriptions of the role of each teammate and their contact information can be found below:

Alex Berkes:

Alex mainly worked on the building of the robot. He designed the model in SolidWorks, made the assemblies of the robot, built the prototype, main body, and also did the electrical documentation.

He can be contacted with the following number or email:

+1 (216) 509-5422


Cassidy Bollman:

Cassidy was the project manager of the team throughout the duration of the project. She made sure everyone was on task and the team was working smoothly. She also helped build a little bit, code a little bit, work on the final paper, and made the website.

She can be contacted with the following number or email:

+1 (513) 324-4545


Sara McGreal:

Sara worked on documentation throughout the duration of the project. She wrote the reports about the robot and also managed a schedule for the team and the testing log.

She can be contacted with the following number or email:

+1 (216) 978-7323


Sujitt Rameshkumar:

Sujitt was the coder for this project. He worked to make sure the robot would be able to complete all tasks in under two minutes, making adjustments as things changed along the way. He also did the coding documentation.

He can be contacted with the following number or email:

+1 (614) 313-2415


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