Meeting 15

February 23, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda: 

  1. Get shaft encoding working
  2. Fix chassis

Meeting Notes:

Everyone was present for this meeting. Tom working on a program implementing shaft encoding, instead of using timing for robot navigation. Tom and Dean took the robot apart in order to make more room for servo motors. Dean also sanded the 3D printed skid, cut the chassis, and soldered microswitches. Meghan worked on the website, testing logs, meeting notes, and budget log. She also started looking at the Futaba servo motor and how to program it for the robot. Shyon also worked on the website and filled out a testing log.

Future Actions: 

  1. Need to put team number (H6) on each side of robot
  2. Start working on code for Performance Test 2
  3. Prepare for first board meeting

Meeting 14

February 21, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Performance Test 1
  2. Pseudocode
  3. Order more parts

Meeting Notes:

Everyone was present. Tom helped team accomplish Performance Test 1, reworked the SolidWorks model to include shaft encoders, ordered screws, shaft encoders, and axles, and started to work on pseudocode assignment as well. Shyon sanded the skid along with Dean and updated the website meeting notes. Dean sanded the skid and also found the right screws with Tom for the skid. Meghan helped with Performance Test 1 as well. She worked on the website, made templates, began testing logs, updated meeting notes and picked up items from the store. The robot was successful on the performance test on its second attempt.

Future Actions:

  1. Implement shaft encoding on robot
  2. Fix chassis issues

Meeting 13

February 20, 2018
3:45 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Finalize robot for Performance Test 1
  2. Attach CdS cell
  3. Finish code

Meeting Notes:

Tom, Dean, and Meghan were present. Tom helped finish code for Performance Test 1, and attached bump switches to the robot as well. Dean mounted the CdS cell while Meghan helped finish coding for the performance test. The testing log can be found here.

Future Actions: 

  1. Perform Performance Test 1 early
  2. Start on pseudocode

Meeting 12

February 19, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda: 

  1. Good final design on SolidWorks
  2. Build chassis to the point where the motors just have to be put on
  3. Get encoders and motors
  4. Write code for performance test
  5. Final report outline

Meeting Notes:

Everyone was present. Tom finished the line following portion of Exploration 2, wrote preliminary code for Performance Test 1, filed down lock collars, reworked SolidWorks model, and tested first part of Performance Test 1 code. Shyon helped put in the wheels and the axles using set screws and insanely small wrenches. He also wrote the final report outline. Dean soldered bump switches, soldered CdS cell, drilled holes & mounted flange plates, ordered screws for flange plate mounting. Meghan helped put on the wheels and axles. After that she set up Github and worked on website. The testing log can be found here.

Future Actions: 

  1. Finalize robot for Performance Test 1
  2. Test robot runs

Meeting 11

February 18, 2018
6:00 pm
Bolz Hall Room 314

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Update past meeting notes
  2. Order any other parts
  3. Figure out how to build a robot by the first performance test
  4. Set up Github repository

Meeting Notes: 

Everyone was present. The team met up outside of class and tried to install SolidWorks onto their computers in hopes of creating a working final design. Dean was the only one to successfully download the program. Tom downloaded QT Creator on his laptop, then set up the Github repository and invited Shyon, Dean, and Meghan to join. Meghan then created a new project for the robot’s code. Then, the team members all updated the website’s meeting notes and agendas to date, trying to be as thorough and as accurate as possible. Meghan revealed to the team that she had been secretly taking pictures of them working for the website. Tom ordered more bump switches, and Meghan updated the budget log. Dean then updated the design schedule.

Future Actions:

  1. Build robot
  2. Finish final design on SolidWorks
  3. Start writing code for Performance Test 1