Meeting 23

March 7, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda: 

  1. Complete Performance Test 3
  2. Start electrical documentation
  3. Start preparing for Performance Test 4

Meeting Notes: 

Everyone was present for this meeting. The whole group worked towards successfully completing Performance Test 3. Shyon started the electrical documentation. Meghan worked on documentation and the website.

Future Actions:

  1. Finish electrical documentation
  2. Start final report draft
  3. Prepare for Performance Test 4

Meeting 22

March 5, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Board Meeting #2 (Teamwork)
  2. Get robot working for performance test 3
  3. Finish exploration
  4. Mid-semester feedback

Meeting Notes: 

Everyone was present for this meeting. Tom and Dean worked on Performance Test 3 preparation. Meghan worked on the website and documentation, as well as mid-semester feedback. Shyon prepared for and went to the teamwork board meeting, bringing back feedback to the group.

Future Actions:

  1. Complete Performance Test 3
  2. Start electrical documentation

3/4 Test

Purpose of Test: Start completing performance test 3

Observers: Tom, Dean

1st Run (2:58, Course D): Programmed it to turn and pick up wrench, got stuck on the control panel when turning.

Changed: Ran proteus test code to get readings for optosensors

Meeting 21

March 4, 2018
2:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda: 

  1. Get data logging from exploration 3 done
  2. Start working on Performance Test 3

Meeting Notes:

Only Tom and Dean were present. Tom started testing for Performance Test 3 using only the bump switch, as the line following kit was being re-soldered. With Dean, he cut the motor wires to get a stronger connection with the motor ports. Dean re-soldered the line following kit, added the appropriate resistors to it. He mounted a bump switch to the robot for testing while re-doing the line following kit.

Future Actions: 

  1. Prepare for board meeting
  2. Prepare for Performance Test 3
  3. Finish exploration
  4. Mid-semester feedback

Meeting 20

March 2, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Prepare for Performance Test 3
  2. Go over feedback for other teams’ reports
  3. Finish exploration 3

Meeting Notes: 

Everyone was present for this meeting. Tom worked on finishing exploration 3, trying to figure out how to use RPS. Shyon ordered parts and worked on feedback. Dean soldered a bump switch, put the forklift mechanism together, ordered two magnets and put them on the arm mechanism. Meghan met with the team to go over the meeting agenda, went over feedback for other teams’ reports, but had to leave early.

Future Actions:

  1. Finish exploration
  2. Start working on Performance Test 3

Meeting 19

February 28, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda: 

  1. Complete Performance Test 2, start working on Performance Test 3
  2. Complete RPS exploration

Meeting Notes:

Everyone was present. The team decided that they wanted to finish the performance test during the meeting, rather than spend the time on the exploration. Tom worked on completing Performance Test 2, then worked on the RPS exploration. Meghan worked on the website while and observed a few test runs, then helped Tom with the exploration. Dean soldered one of the shaft encoder wires back after it broke. He also compared the red and blue filters, deciding the the red filter was better and purchased it. Shyon observed test runs.

Future Actions:

  1. Prepare for Performance Test 3
  2. Finish exploration
  3. Read and provide feedback for other teams’ reports