Purpose of Test: Complete Performance Test 3
Observers: Tom, Shyon, Dean, and Meghan
1st Run (3:23, Course B): Robot completed Performance Test 3 without failure.
2nd Run (3:24, Course B): Bump switch broke off and robot did not complete course.
Changed: Hot glued bump switch back on initial location.
3rd Run (3:30, Course G): Robot’s turns were inconsistent, axles kept getting caught on the course and turning robot at weird, incorrect angles.
Changed: Line up robot against wall more to try and be more consistent.
4th Run (3:35, Course H): Robot consistently inconsistent, drifting to the left when it approaches the garage.
Changed: Account for the leftward drifting and compensate for it.
5th Run (3:41, Course E): Still inconsistent when moving towards garage.
Changed: Tried to secure bump switches more.
6th Run (3:50, Course B): After a few inconsistent attempts, the robot failed some and succeeded during others. The team decided to do an Official Run™ and succeeded on the first attempt.