Meeting 31

April 2, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Complete second final report draft
  2. Documentation board meeting
  3. Test new skid

Meeting Notes: 

Everyone was present for this meeting. Tom worked on testing the new spoon skid, and Shyon helped with testing this. Dean prepared for and went to the documentation board meeting and brought feedback for the team. He then helped with testing the robot. Meghan worked on and submitted the second final report draft.

Future Actions:

  1. Prepare for final competition
  2. Fix issues with robot

Meeting 27

March 23, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Final Competition Testing
  2. Electrical System Documentation
  3. Update Testing Logs/Documentation

Meeting Notes:

Everyone was present for this meeting. Tom and Dean worked on robot testing for final competition. Dean also worked on the electrical documentation. Shyon worked on electrical documentation, and observed testing. Meghan observed testing and updated the website.

Future Actions:

  1. Work on individual competition testing

Meeting 23

March 7, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda: 

  1. Complete Performance Test 3
  2. Start electrical documentation
  3. Start preparing for Performance Test 4

Meeting Notes: 

Everyone was present for this meeting. The whole group worked towards successfully completing Performance Test 3. Shyon started the electrical documentation. Meghan worked on documentation and the website.

Future Actions:

  1. Finish electrical documentation
  2. Start final report draft
  3. Prepare for Performance Test 4

Meeting 12

February 19, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda: 

  1. Good final design on SolidWorks
  2. Build chassis to the point where the motors just have to be put on
  3. Get encoders and motors
  4. Write code for performance test
  5. Final report outline

Meeting Notes:

Everyone was present. Tom finished the line following portion of Exploration 2, wrote preliminary code for Performance Test 1, filed down lock collars, reworked SolidWorks model, and tested first part of Performance Test 1 code. Shyon helped put in the wheels and the axles using set screws and insanely small wrenches. He also wrote the final report outline. Dean soldered bump switches, soldered CdS cell, drilled holes & mounted flange plates, ordered screws for flange plate mounting. Meghan helped put on the wheels and axles. After that she set up Github and worked on website. The testing log can be found here.

Future Actions: 

  1. Finalize robot for Performance Test 1
  2. Test robot runs

Meeting 11

February 18, 2018
6:00 pm
Bolz Hall Room 314

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Update past meeting notes
  2. Order any other parts
  3. Figure out how to build a robot by the first performance test
  4. Set up Github repository

Meeting Notes: 

Everyone was present. The team met up outside of class and tried to install SolidWorks onto their computers in hopes of creating a working final design. Dean was the only one to successfully download the program. Tom downloaded QT Creator on his laptop, then set up the Github repository and invited Shyon, Dean, and Meghan to join. Meghan then created a new project for the robot’s code. Then, the team members all updated the website’s meeting notes and agendas to date, trying to be as thorough and as accurate as possible. Meghan revealed to the team that she had been secretly taking pictures of them working for the website. Tom ordered more bump switches, and Meghan updated the budget log. Dean then updated the design schedule.

Future Actions:

  1. Build robot
  2. Finish final design on SolidWorks
  3. Start writing code for Performance Test 1

Meeting 9

February 14, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Order parts for robot
  2. Show SolidWorks mockup to Dr. Christy and GTA.

Meeting Notes:

Everyone was present. The meeting began with measurements of the course again. After this, the team members participated in a debate about which parts would best suit the robot they have envisioned. They came to the conclusion of using Vex motors and discussed how to fix the motors onto the robot. Meghan updated the schedule and added other tasks that needed to be completed. She also created a spreadsheet for the budget log and worked on the website. Tom showed the SolidWorks mock-up to Dr. Christy and explained its features. Dean came up with a list of materials needed for the first performance test. At the end of the meeting, Tom placed the order for the parts required.

Future Actions:

  1. Explore shaft encoding
  2. Pick up ordered parts

Meeting 8

February 12, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Get a start on drive train calculations
  2. Measure the course for getting an idea of the parts we need and for drive train calculations
  3. Work on the website
  4. Meet with Dr. Christy and Andy Urschel (GTA) about the Solidworks and cardboard mock ups, as well as the in-progress website

Meeting Notes:

Everyone was present. The team started the meeting with measurements of the course. The drive train calculations were completed two thirds of the way. Dean and Tom worked on ordering parts while Shyon worked on drive train calculations. Meghan worked on the website. Near the end of the meeting, the team met with Dr. Christy and the GTA about the website, the mock ups, and future plans. They complimented the team on the website and said that the ideas for the robot seemed feasible.

Future Actions: 

  1. Start building robot
  2. Order parts

Meeting 4

February 7, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Determining how to split up the work
  2. Complete the task schedule
  3. Get toolkit and Proteus equipment

Meeting Notes:

The whole team was present at this meeting. The proteus and tool bag were given to them. Dean went through the proteus box and completed the checklist assigned, ensuring everything was in good condition. Shyon and Meghan inventoried the tool bag while Tom started on the team’s task schedule. During this, the team discussed possible ways to break up the work and decided upon this:

Documentation: Everyone documents his/her own parts

Project Management: Meghan & Shyon work together on managing the team

Coding: Tom & Meghan split the work evenly

Testing: Everyone participates in testing the robot for his/her contributions

CAD: Dean & Shyon work on CAD together

Construction: Tom & Dean collaborate for the majority of the work

Future Actions:

  1. Start building the robot
  2. Learn about CdS cells, microswitches, and different motors

Meeting 3

February 4, 2018
5:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 324

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Complete design matrices
  2. Evaluate best robot idea

Meeting Notes:

Meghan, Dean, and Shyon got together to work on design matrices and compile their ideas into one document. Meghan and Dean created the design matrices. Remotely, Tom came up with some SolidWorks mockups of the best possible design concepts. Shyon later analyzed the team’s work and came up with what should be the best design.

Future Actions:

  1. Compile work from meeting into a document
  2. Discuss best robot design and how to build it
  3. Determine best way to split up future work
  4. Create a task schedule