Sweet Sixteen

For the Sweet Sixteen round of competition, the robot successfully toggled the car jack and picked up the wrench.  It then successfully disposed of the wrench and turned the wheel 180 degrees.  The robot then drove toward the ramp and turned to go down the ramp.  As the robot began to drive down the ramp, it appeared that the robot was going to be very close to hitting the wall.  As the robot made its way down the ramp, it began to slightly angle towards the wall and its axle narrowly clipped the wall.  This spun the robot out of control.  The robot eventually recovered and hit the final button, but the damage was done as the robot failed to hit blue button.  The robot scored was 81 points in 46 seconds, and the robot was eliminated from the competition.  The detailed scoring for the run is shown below.

Below is the video of the robot catching on the wall: