Meghan Walther Time Logs
Dean Ogle Time Logs
Shyon Deshpande Time Logs
Tom Ballas Time Logs
//Steps a-d achieve the task of hitting the necessary buttons on the control panel.
- Wait for light to turn on. If it does not turn on after ten seconds, just start.
- Move forward then turn left, move forward until CdScell is on the light, read the light.
- Turn right 90 degrees, then
- If blue, turn left 45 degrees, turn right 45 degrees, and drive forward into button.
- If red, call turn right 45 degrees and then turn left 45 degrees and then call forward function for 3 inches
//Steps e-g focus on moving the switch up.
- Move backwards away from the control panel
- Turn right, then move forwards towards the car jack.
- Move servo motor down, then turn left and move forward. Move servo up, hitting the car jack up, move backwards, and then move the servo motor up completely.
//Steps h-j focus on grabbing the wrench
- Turn right towards the wrench
- Move forwards, until hitting the wrench holder
- Move backwards a little bit, lower the servo arm 90 degrees; this will attach to the wrench magnetically, then move servo arm back up, taking the wrench with it.
//Steps k-n focus on disposing of the wrench.
- Move backwards a bit, turn 180 degrees, and move forward until bump switches hit on the front side (side with servo and wrench) hit the wall.
- Move backwards a bit, then turn left and drive straight up the ramp.
- Turn left 45 degrees, and move forwards to the garage.
- Lower the servo arm 90 degrees, then move backwards so the wrench catches on the lip of the garage and is hence detached from the magnetic arm.
//Steps o-p focus on turning the wheel
- Move backwards, then turn left towards the fuel crank.
- Move backwards into the fuel crank, then turn it the appropriate direction using a rotating two-pronged rod connected to a microservo
//Steps q-u focus on pressing the finish light.
- Move backwards after turning the fuel crank.
- Turn left 90 degrees.
- Drive forwards, then turn left into a wall, squaring up against it.
- Move backwards a bit, turn right, then drive down the ramp.
- Turn right, move forwards a bit, then turn right again and drive forward into the finishing button.
3/21 Test
Purpose of Test: Wanted robot to complete performance test 4 (the new mechanism to turn crank was implemented)
1st Run: Succeeded first try
The course letter was C and the time was 4:00 PM
Changed: Changed nothing, completed performance test
FEH Robot Group H6
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