4/5 Test

Purpose of Test: Get a consistent, fast run for competition

Observers: Tom, Dean

1st run (2:06, Course A): Missed wrench deposit, had some trouble when pushing buttons. However, adding a line of CdS cells to the right side of the robot prior to testing worked well in reading the light.

Changed: How the robot deposited the wrench, has the robot do a 0 point turn before going to push the red button, because the robot kept getting caught on the panel.

2nd Run (2:10, Course D): Didn’t turn fuel crank enough

Changed: Angle when turning fuel crank

3rd Run (2:15, Course G): Cut it close on the wrench, was far right both times when picking it up

Changed: How far it moved back

4th Run (2:24, Course F): Kept dropping wrench when hitting into deposit station

Changed: Location of magnets on the bottom of the arm, lowered arm slightly to open garage without hitting wrench, then still scraped wrench off

5th Run (2:36, Course A): got caught when reading red light

Changed: Turn when going to push red button

6th Run (2:42, Course B): Had trouble depositing wrench

Changed: Code for depositing wrench, used two big magnets instead

7th Run (2:50, Course D): Kept picking up wrench after depositing it

Changed: Had it move servo up after backing away from the garage

8th Run (3:00, Course A): Miserably failed when it tried to push red button, arm fell of when depositing wrench.

Changed: Switched back to five small magnets, used old wrench deposit code

4/2 Test

Purpose of Test: Want to toggle car jack first, then pick up and deposit wrench. This order will be faster.

Observers: Tom, Dean, Shyon

1st Run (3:32, Course A): Didn’t pick up wrench because it didn’t go forward enough

Changed: Made it go forward more

2nd Run (3:40, Course D): Picked up wrench but failed to lift car jack

Changed: Distance driving before car jack

3rd Run (3:48, Course C): Picked up wrench but failed to lift car jack

Changed: Distance driving before car jack

4th Run (3:55, Course G): Succeeded in both wrench and jack

Changed: Added code to attempt making it to and turning the fuel crank

5th Run (4:02, Course F): Failed in the car jack and wrench

Changed: Angle to approach the wrench and fuel crank, and how far backwards it goes before turning to the wrench. Additionally, the wrench and car jack are clearly inconsistent because the code was not changed from the prior run.

6th Run (4:23, Course H): Succeeded the car jack, failed the wrench

The course letter was H and the time was 4:15 PM

Changed: Made it move back more after flicking the car jack, had it turn more before moving towards car jack.

7th Run (4:33, Course F): Too far to the right when going for the wrench

Changed: Made it turn less before approaching wrench

8th Run (4:36, Course H): Picked up wrench but barely

Changed: Distance before turning to wrench

3/28 Test

Purpose of Test: Keep improving on the full runs

Observers: Tom, Dean, Shyon

1st Run (3:30, Course B): Would go up the walls when driving into them

Changed: Glued cardboard to the front of the bump switches

2nd Run (3:52, Course G): Still rode up the wall

Changed: Glued wood to the front of the robot to prevent the robot from riding up the walls.

3rd Run (4:30, Course H): The robot didn’t ride up the wall

3/26 Test

Purpose of Test: Want to reduce time for complete course run

Observers: Tom, Shyon, Dean

1st Run (3:34, Course B): Would not reach the light to read the button to push

Changed: Values for how far forward it goes before and after turning to drive to the button

2nd Run (3:40, Course D): Right bump switch died, light is working.

Changed: Soldered another bump switch to replace the original one

3rd Run (4:04, Course F): Didn’t drive far enough up ramp

Changed: Increased forward to go up ramp further

3/23 Test

Purpose of Test: Get a fast time for the complete run

Observers: Tom, Shyon, Dean

1st Run (3:30, Course F): After several trials, it worked perfectly about 60% of the time. Sometimes got caught on the buttons on the button board.

Changed: Had the robot take different turns after reading the light, also everything got messed up due to the power change.

2nd Run (4:12, Course D): Turned out of control after reading light

Changed: Incorrect turn variable used (“Tom’s an idiot for calling one constant regular and another one normal”)

3rd Run (4:24, Course B): Kept missing the lights

Changed: Drive forward function to drop the power as the robot approached its desired distance traveled.

4th Run (4:37, Course G): Turned too far when approaching the wrench.

Changed: The turn before going into the wrench

5th Run (4:45, Course H): Almost had a perfect run, hit the ramp on the way to the bottom area.

Changed: The way it lined up for the wrench

3/21 Test


Purpose of Test: Wanted robot to complete performance test 4 (the new mechanism to turn crank was implemented)

1st Run: Succeeded first try

The course letter was C and the time was 4:00 PM

Changed: Changed nothing, completed performance test


3/19 Test

Purpose of Test: Get performance test 4 done

Observers: Tom, Shyon, Meghan, Dean

1st Run (3:20, Course C): Can’t drive straight

Changed: Changed drive straight correction factor

2nd Run (3:30, Course A): Still very inconsistent

Changed: Ran test code to observe turn angles and appropriate motor powers to drive straight, then used another wall to square up

3rd Run (3:45, Course D): Completed performance test 4 about 50% of the time

Changed: How much it turned at the end.

4th Run (3:56, Course F): Kept going too far to the right when moving into crank

Changed: Move forward more before turning to drive to crank.

5th Run (4:03, Course G): Kept going too far to the right when moving into crank.

Changed: Move forward more before turning to drive to crank, increasing turn angle before turning into crank.

6th Run (4:15, Course A): Kept missing the fuel crank inconsistently

Changed: Made the turning mechanism attach to outside of wheel instead of inside

7th Run (4:25, Course C): Mechanism was weak and kept bending after attempting to turn with wheel

Changed: Planned on making mechanism out of wood instead of cardboard, plastic, and hot glue

3/8 Test

Purpose of Test: Start working on PT4

1st Run (12:38, Course E) : Didn’t consistently get to fuel crank, sometimes started before timeout or light on

Changed: Moved the print RPS direction to after light turns on

2nd Run (12:49, Course H): Still didn’t consistently get to fuel crank

Changed: Made robot turn a bit less before going to fuel crank, and drive an extra two inches. Also made microservo go to 10/170 instead of 0/180 degrees, as it kept making a weird buzzing noise because it was attempting to move past its max/min

3rd Run (12:55, Course A): Still didn’t consistently get to fuel crank

Changed: Made robot move forward less before turning to line up with crank

4th Run (1:00, Course D): Still to far to the right when going to fuel, odd readings

Changed: Made robot move forward less before turning to line up with fuel crank

5th Run (1:13, Course F): Inconsistently missed the fuel crank, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right. Kept getting 0 for fuel type

Changed: Added initialize touch menu for RPS

3/5 Test

Purpose of Test: Get performance test 3 done

Observers: Tom, Dean, Shyon

1st Run (3:45, Course C): Ended too close to the wrench when turning towards it, was unable to power up the ramp

Changed: Made the code drive the robot backwards before going up the ramp and turn less

2nd Run (3:55, Course F): Still couldn’t go up ramp, didn’t go far enough when turning into the wrench

Changed: Added electrical tape to the bottom of the skid,

3rd Run (4:02, Course E): Still couldn’t go up ramp, went far enough when getting the wrench, but was inconsistent in getting the wrench

Changed: Some of the driving distances, moved the location of the servo motor

3rd Run (4:13, Course D): Still couldn’t go up ramp, didn’t get correct readings for optosensors

Changed: Some of the driving distances, moved the location of the servo motor, ran proteus test code to see optosensor readings and moved them down, added cardboard to the bottom of the skid, moved to go up regular ramp.

4th run (4:34, Course A): Still incorrect optosensor readings.

Changed: Got readings for the optosensors

5th run (4:45, Course B): Kept driving into wrench holder, couldn’t go up hill

Changed: Path to wrench, orientation when going up hill

6th run (4:58, Course G): Didn’t get to wrench, wouldn’t turn properly after going against far wall before driving up ramp.

3/4 Test

Purpose of Test: Start completing performance test 3

Observers: Tom, Dean

1st Run (2:58, Course D): Programmed it to turn and pick up wrench, got stuck on the control panel when turning.

Changed: Ran proteus test code to get readings for optosensors