Practice Run

The team began the final competition with a practice run. The run began with the robot lifting the car jack and picking up the wrench. However, next the robot ran into the stand the holds the wrench, an error robot had never done before. The team pulled the kill switch and the run ended.

Following this run, the team analyzed why the run had been such an unmitigated disaster. The reason the robot ran into wrench platform was because it picked up the wrench too far to the left. The group then tried to determine the why this occurred and realized it either be because the starting position was wrong, the robot got caught on car jack, or the robot power was slightly different than when the team practiced. After watching the video, the team determined the robot caught slightly caught on the car jack. To prevent this, the team added a slight sleep statement after the robot lifts up the car jack. The team also added .1 inches to the backward statement before the robot approaches the wrench so that the magnet arm would be placed more toward the center of the wrench.