Purpose of Test: Want to toggle car jack first, then pick up and deposit wrench. This order will be faster.
Observers: Tom, Dean, Shyon
1st Run (3:32, Course A): Didn’t pick up wrench because it didn’t go forward enough
Changed: Made it go forward more
2nd Run (3:40, Course D): Picked up wrench but failed to lift car jack
Changed: Distance driving before car jack
3rd Run (3:48, Course C): Picked up wrench but failed to lift car jack
Changed: Distance driving before car jack
4th Run (3:55, Course G): Succeeded in both wrench and jack
Changed: Added code to attempt making it to and turning the fuel crank
5th Run (4:02, Course F): Failed in the car jack and wrench
Changed: Angle to approach the wrench and fuel crank, and how far backwards it goes before turning to the wrench. Additionally, the wrench and car jack are clearly inconsistent because the code was not changed from the prior run.
6th Run (4:23, Course H): Succeeded the car jack, failed the wrench
The course letter was H and the time was 4:15 PM
Changed: Made it move back more after flicking the car jack, had it turn more before moving towards car jack.
7th Run (4:33, Course F): Too far to the right when going for the wrench
Changed: Made it turn less before approaching wrench
8th Run (4:36, Course H): Picked up wrench but barely
Changed: Distance before turning to wrench