Purpose of Test: Wanted the robot to complete Performance Test 1.
Observers: Tom, Dean, Shyon, Meghan
1st Run (3:30, Course A): The robot successfully completed Performance Test 1 but run was unofficial.
Changed: Changed nothing.
2nd Run (3:33, Course A): Bump switches failed to engage when the robot hit buttons.
Changed: Made a conditional statement that if the robot failed to engage the bump switches after three seconds, then the robot would just continue with the next task.
3rd Run (3:45, Course F): Official run, bump switches failed to engage when robot fit buttons.
Changed: Realized an “or” in conditional statement should have been an “and”, and we changed this.
4th Run (3:56, Course B): Unofficial run, the robot successfully completed Performance Test 1.
Changed: No changes
5th Run (4:02, Course B): Official Run, robot successfully completed Performance Test I.