Purpose of Test: Want to observe robot doing completing performance test 1.
Observers: Tom, Dean
1st Run (2:20, Course A): Observed the robot navigating up the ramp but failing to hit the buttons.
Changed: Added two 45 degree turns to help shift the robot towards the buttons and added moves for the robot to back up, turn back left, and run into the wall.
2nd Run (2:25, Course E): Observed the robot successfully doing all tasks shown above.
Changed: Added a forward movement across the course, a back right turn, and a forward movement toward the switch.
3rd Run (2:31, Course G): Observed the robot successfully doing all tasks shown above.
Changed: Added a turn for the robot to face the wall, added a forward until it hit the wall, and then go forward to hit the switch.
4th Run (2:38, Course D): The robot was successful until it failed to make a large enough turn towards the switch.
Changed: Increased the turn before the robot goes towards the switch.
5th Run (2:45, Course A): The robot was successful in completing all tasks for Performance Test 1.
Changed: No changes
6th Run (2:48, Course A): The robot was again successful.
Changed: No changes
7th Run (2:52, Course A): the robot was again successful.