Meeting 12

February 19, 2018
3:00 pm
Hitchcock Hall Room 214

Meeting Agenda: 

  1. Good final design on SolidWorks
  2. Build chassis to the point where the motors just have to be put on
  3. Get encoders and motors
  4. Write code for performance test
  5. Final report outline

Meeting Notes:

Everyone was present. Tom finished the line following portion of Exploration 2, wrote preliminary code for Performance Test 1, filed down lock collars, reworked SolidWorks model, and tested first part of Performance Test 1 code. Shyon helped put in the wheels and the axles using set screws and insanely small wrenches. He also wrote the final report outline. Dean soldered bump switches, soldered CdS cell, drilled holes & mounted flange plates, ordered screws for flange plate mounting. Meghan helped put on the wheels and axles. After that she set up Github and worked on website. The testing log can be found here.

Future Actions: 

  1. Finalize robot for Performance Test 1
  2. Test robot runs

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