Initially, the team planned to proceed with Preliminary Idea One. However, after further observations and measurements of the course, team members discovered that the distances between the holes in the wrench, between two buttons, and between the outer edges of the fuel crank were equivalent. The team then planned to use a single mechanism to complete all three tasks. Both a SolidWorks mockup and a physical mockup were constructed, representing a combination of the preliminary ideas. The physical mockup was created using cardboard, paper clips, and tape. It included a chassis, four wheel, two motors, and the Proteus. The mechanism added to the front was able to both spin and slide vertically. It represented a rack and pinion connected to two servo motors. A plastic disk was also added to the back as an additional means of pressing the buttons.
A SolidWorks model was then constructed to represent the mockup digitally. Measurements were made to ensure that the SolidWorks design resembled the physical mockup closely.