On February 22, team programmers began working on the code for the second performance test. In this test, the robot was required to read and display the correct color of the diagnostic light, press the corresponding diagnostic button, and press the final button by March 2². The robot design remained the same from Performance Test 1, shown here.
The course strategy for this performance test is depicted above. First, the robot turned right to touch the wrench (which proved that the team was ahead of schedule for bonus consideration from OSURED), then it moved back to align with the wall beyond the control panel. The robot then drove over the diagnostic light to read it, turned left toward the control panel, and drove into the white RPS button while turning into the correct diagnostic button. To accomplish this task, team programmers created a function to read the value detected by the CdS cell, which read less than 0.80 V if the light was blue. If the function returned a “true” value, suggesting that the diagnostic light was blue, then a separate function programmed the robot to turn into the blue button. Otherwise, it turned into the red button. After the diagnostic button was pressed, the robot backed up and turned toward the final button to finish the performance test.
On February 23, the team tested the consistency of the code and noticed that the red button was not completely pressed. Team programmers revised the code to increase the power of the turn into the red button. Then, the team conducted an official test for the OSURED team. On the first test, the diagnostic light was blue, which the robot successfully detected and displayed on the Proteus screen. However, it did not press the button with enough power. The team conducted a second official test, where the diagnostic light was red, and it worked successfully.