Individual Competition |
Final Competition |
Performance Tests
Performance Test 1 |
Performance Test 2 |
Performance Test 3 |
Performance Test 4 |
PowerSets the power level (in volts) for the IGWAN motors. |
Movement PercentagesSets the motor speed while the robot is moving forward and backwards. |
Turning PercentagesSets the motor speed while the robot is turning left and right. |
Internal AdjustmentsAdjusts the times of each sleep statement to get desired distance/angle. |
TimesDefines common times for sleep statements. |
Servo MotorsSets starting and finishing servo motor positions. |
Starting PositionSets x, y, and heading values for robot in the starting area. |
RPS TimingSets the maximum time for an RPS check to take. |
mainAsks user which course should be run, runs the course, and asks for user input regarding performance. |
startUpAsks user whether motors should be checked and initializes the screen. |
checkMotorsChecks to see if the motors are functional. |
showInfoDisplays the current RPS information from the robot. |
turnRightTurns to a specified angle. |
askAsks the user a yes or no question. |
readyStartLooks for the starting light to turn on. |
turnFuelTurns the crank based on the fuel type. |
runCourseRuns the specified course. |
setFuelSets the angle of the servo motor based on the fuel type. |
isBlueReads the color of the diagnostic light. |
pressButtonContains the path to press the correct button based on the value read in. |
moveForwardMoves forward a specified distance at a certain speed. |
absMakes negative values positive. |
moveToYMoves the robot to a y-coordinate using RPS checks. |
turnToTurns the robot to a specific direction using RPS. |
moveToXMoves the robot to an x-coordinate using RPS checks. |