Physical Robot

It was a long journey from a SolidWorks idea to the finished final robot. The development process was a long process that included lots of trial and error. Problems were encountered with the chassis material which led to other problems, and there were some minor drivetrain issues that also caused problems. Some ideas were discontinued due to faulty equipment and other ideas were discontinued due to inconsistencies and lack of effectiveness.

Team G6 started with brainstorming, which ended up with a few sketches of ideas and a cardboard mock-up. (Brainstorming and Mock-Up)

Then, basically the entire robot was changed in developing its individual parts (Mechanisms), which includes Developing the Button Press, Developing the Lever Arm and Core Extractor and Developing the Antenna Turn Mechanism. Through these changes, the Electrical Systems were also developed.

The robot was developed from a mess of cardboard and electrical tape into the Final Design; along the way it went through two main changes, including that of a change of chassis and a change of moving arm.