Team Update

Back after a while!!!

Stuff has been going great, got all our data points finished.
Just working through the site and project reports.

Second CNTOTD worked well, everything was completed.

Lots of website updates to come.

Team Update

Had a rocky start with our trials today but we managed to get it working in one of our channels and take a data point!!

Really started to figure out how I want to make the website and get a rough layout of what we need to get on it.

Team Update

Met in the usual spot at the usual time to get started on our work.

I am showing the group how to do the website. It’s very exciting.


We have divided up the labor for the micro report and this week should be a nice one, the workload shouldn’t be too overwhelming.

Team Update

Good meeting today.

Got some flow calibration done and finished up the bonus contract and all the report outlines.

Not much else to say, things are going pretty well now that the cool nano topic stress is over.

Team Update

CNTOTD 1 went pretty well!
We didn’t really get stumped on any questions which is a positive.

We are working to de-mold our chip and actually begin doing a calibration test but excess PDMS had to be cut off to enable a tight seal to be generated.

I have begun completely documenting our process with the idea of creating a slideshow/video that provides instruction on the entire process of calibrating the chip.
Bonus points inbound.

We’re going to meet tomorrow to work on the project report outlines and discuss the actual Nano chip design.

Experimental Procedure and Lab 3 Memo were both turned in and uploaded to their respective dropboxes. Woohoo.

Team Update

Productive group meeting today.

Ready for the CNTOTD tomorrow, it’ll be great!
Got everything else pretty much figured out and all the work divided up.

Still planning on meeting on Thursday to discuss the report outlines and other necessary assignments.

Ani happened to be in the SEL as we were doing our work and he offered some great tips on our CNTOTD presentation.

Team Update

Back from break and ready to get to work!

We have a good number of deadlines coming up this week with the memo and experimental procedure and CNTOTD 1 all on Wednesday.

I have been assigned the experimental procedure and it’s certainly trickier than I expected it to be.

We got our wafer printed out and made the chip top today in open lab. exciting stuff!

Team Update

Jack here.

In class on this lovely Friday. Spring break is nearly upon us.

Just received back some group assignments that we turned in and we did pretty well on them.

Our team is definitely performing at this point.

Setting up to get our 3rd data point for Lab 3, hopefully.

Eric is about to leave for a faculty review meeting.


Team Update

Jack here, this is our first team update!
I’m going to try to update this every few days.
I’ve started looking into getting the website all up and running, this is pretty cool so far.

We are well on our way into the project – we are submitting stage 2 of the nano design tomorrow.

Doing well enough on Lab 3, we’ve collected two data points so far in 3 class periods and a 3 hr session of open lab.

We’ve passed the scary part where nobody understands anything – I think we’re starting to understand this project.

See you later.