
This code defines all of the servo minimum and maximums, sets CdS light thresholds, defines RPS values, and defines the motors and sensors.

#include <FEHMotor.h>
#include <FEHIO.h>
#include <FEHServo.h>

#define PI 3.14159

// This information is logged in the SD log files
// VERSION is [major build].[month][day]
// TITLE is the program name
#define VERSION 3.0409
#define TITLE "FEHRobotCode"

// Define the min and max for the arm servo
#define SERVO_MIN 606
#define SERVO_MAX 2016

// Define CdS cell values
#define CDSRedLow      0.0
#define CDSRedHigh     0.8
#define CDSBlueLow     1.0
#define CDSBlueHigh    2.6

// Define all RPS values
#define RPSOffStart         24.0
#define RPSSuppliesY        10.8 // calibrate per course
#define RPSTempRampBottomY  24.0
#define RPSTempRampTopX     31.3
#define RPSFuelLightY       61.8 // calibrate per course
#define RPSFuelLightX       31.8 // calibrate per course
#define RPSLongRunY         50.0
#define RPSRedTopY          43.5
#define RPSRedTopX           1.5
#define RPSWhiteTopX         6.4
#define RPSBlueTopX         11.5
#define RPSTopRampX         27.7 // calibrate per course
#define RPSTopRampY         42.5
#define RPSBottomRampY      21.3
#define RPSFinalButtonX     18.4
#define RPSFinalButtonY     21.3

// Use of extern so that these can be used elsewhere in the code
extern FEHMotor motor1;
extern FEHMotor motor2;
extern FEHMotor motor3;
extern FEHMotor motor4;

extern FEHServo arm_servo;

extern DigitalInputPin microswitch1;
extern DigitalInputPin microswitch2;
extern DigitalInputPin microswitch3;
extern DigitalInputPin microswitch4;
extern DigitalInputPin microswitch5;
extern DigitalInputPin microswitch6;
extern DigitalInputPin microswitch7;
extern DigitalInputPin microswitch8;

extern AnalogInputPin cdscell;
extern ButtonBoard button;

#endif // CONSTANTS_H
// Required FEH libraries
#include <FEHIO.h>
#include <FEHMotor.h>
#include <FEHServo.h>

// Required custom library
#include "constants.h"

// Declare the four drive motors going in a clockwise direction
FEHMotor motor1(FEHMotor::Motor0, 7.2);
FEHMotor motor2(FEHMotor::Motor1, 7.2);
FEHMotor motor3(FEHMotor::Motor2, 7.2);
FEHMotor motor4(FEHMotor::Motor3, 7.2);

// Declare the servo for the arm for the supplies
FEHServo arm_servo(FEHServo::Servo0);

// Declare the microswitches going in a clockwise direction
DigitalInputPin microswitch1(FEHIO::P1_0);
DigitalInputPin microswitch2(FEHIO::P1_2);
DigitalInputPin microswitch3(FEHIO::P1_4);
DigitalInputPin microswitch4(FEHIO::P1_6);
DigitalInputPin microswitch5(FEHIO::P2_0);
DigitalInputPin microswitch6(FEHIO::P2_2);
DigitalInputPin microswitch7(FEHIO::P2_4);
DigitalInputPin microswitch8(FEHIO::P2_6);

// Declare other sensors and the ButtonBoard
AnalogInputPin cdscell(FEHIO::P0_0);
ButtonBoard button(FEHIO::Bank3);