1/24/14 – Teamwork Agreement

Team Work Agreement
Engineering 1282.01H
Spring 2014

Luke Burgett
Rhys Davis
Ryan McLaughlin
Grant Oehler

Date of Signing: 1/24/14

Team Contact Information: Preferred method of communication via text.
Luke Burgett: 208-420-7408, burgett.56@osu.edu, Taylor Tower
Rhys Davis: 614-735-4139, davis.3964@osu.edu, Park-Stradley
Grant Oehler: 614-370-0996, oehler.19@osu.edu, Smith-Steeb
Ryan McLaughlin: 304-550-0875, mclaughlin.349@osu.edu, Lincoln Tower

Participation requirement: Everyone should provide input on every decision no matter how small it is. Be blunt and to the point when communicating idea. Everyone should contribute the same amount unless extraneous circumstances arise.
Decision Making & Problem Solving: Each decision will be based on logical choice and majority voting. Ideas that are split will be based on which idea fulfills the requirements on a score system. If problem cannot be solved the group will move on till later date and if that is not an option an Instructor or TA will be consulted to settle the problem.
Managing Group Problems: Consult the entire group if it’s between 2 of the members and a general consensus will be used to help settle the dispute. Use a TA or Instructor as an arbitrator to help resolve the conflict.
Responsibility and Expectations: If a person is assigned a job by a certain deadline they are required to fulfill that job unless circumstances arise. If something does occur the person involved needs to contact the other members of the team and send them with the work they have done in order for the rest of the group to finish the work. People are responsible for their own assignments when assigned. If the task is too much for the person to handle they are to ask the group for help in advance when able.
Conduct During Meetings: Members are expected to show up on time for the meetings unless they otherwise notice the other members beforehand. The meetings will be set up every week on a day and time deemed appropriate for that week. The members will attempt to finish the meeting reasonably quick and efficient. Members will not get distracted during the meetings and focus on the project and task at hand.
Conduct Between Meeting: The group is not to abuse group messaging more than necessary and provide a day in advance for meetings and not during major event days. Complete task that are assigned from last meeting before next. Don’t go extended periods of time without contacting other team members.

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