3/25/14 — Minutes + Agenda

Meeting Minutes

Solder Arabia


Date: 3/25/14

Time: 3:15-5:30

Location: Hitchcock 206


·          Luke Burgett, Rhys Davis, Grant Oehler


1. Re-solder digital optosensors and attach to drivetrain, file down motor shafts and reattach wheels to motors/45

2. Work on program, include switch and button tasks/1:30

Action Items

Person Responsible


 re-solder optosensors  Luke Burgett  3/27/14
 file down motor shafts and reattach wheels  Grant Oehler  3/27/14

add button and switch tasks to code

 Rhys Davis  3/27/14
 cut down on errors on course in code, speed up entire run  Rhys Davis, Luke Burgett, Grant Oehler  3/27/14

Accomplished: re-solder optosensors, file down motor shafts and reassemble drivetrain, add button and switch tasks to code

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