E. Conclusions and Recommendations

What Went Well

  • Our initial brainstorming process went well, as we were able to come up with many ideas and feasible ways of coding aspects of a game
  • Using Notability to draw out the buttons was convenient because we could use the graphing paper included to divide the Proteus screen into units and translate drawings in Notability to the LCDDraw functions.
  • Even with limited access to the Proteus, we were able to get the game to function
  • We were also able to meet our stretch goal of randomizing each order using the srand function

What Did Not Go Well

  • Use of Notability was convenient but at times very tedious because the pixels on the Proteus would not completely align with the Notability screen, and drawing small things like sprinkles was difficult. The sprinkles also do not show up well on the screen.
    • Recommendations: Use a graphing program like Khan Academy for more accuracy rather than drawing out objects by hand
  • The strange origin (top left corner) of the Proteus made it easy to make mistakes when finding points
    • Recommendations: Use a graphing program to find the points and translate negative points to positive points on the Proteus
  • The code is difficult to navigate and oftentimes certain parts of the game are repeated numerous times throughout the code
    • Recommendations: Use more functions and classes so that the code can be more easily understood and navigated
  • The colors of the flavor menu are very difficult to differentiate between
    • Recommendations: Use clearer colors instead of pastels in the flavor menu
    • Put descriptions of flavors inside each flavor box

Other Recommendations 

  • Have the ability to play again
  • Improve the navigation on the menu with the ability to play again
  • Have different levels in the game that give less time to memorize the order
  • Have the ability to time how long the user’s response was and assign points accordingly