A. Project Proposal


  • What are the requirements for the five additional features for the game?
  • What advice do the professors/TAs have with working well with partners and splitting up work effectively?
  • What requirements of the project should take the most time?
  • How long does the game have to be?
  • If you are doing the brochure, how long does it need to be?
  • Is there an intended age audience for the game?

Selection Criteria:

  • Not too difficult to code
  • Fun and interactive for player
  • Can become more and more challenging without too much code

Best Idea:
Food ordering memory game 

Brainstorming Ideas

  1. Snake – need to have a button to move in four directions (up, down, left, right); need random objects that the snake could run into; if snake hits object, it needs to grow
  2. Lines and Boxes- computer must be playing as another player and generate a set of moves that are different every time, computer must also keep track of already entered moves
  3. Temple run – would need to randomly generate a new path every time the player plays and the player would need to be able to control how the temple runner ran
  4. Hangman – have the computer recognize the string inputted and the characters it is made up of
  5. Memory Food ordering game – randomly generate an order and control the amount of time the user has to recreate the order

Algorithm for Memory Food ordering game:

  1. Computer randomly generates an order from choices such as ice cream or milkshake and different toppings
  2. Order is displayed on the Proteus for a set amount of time
  3. User has set amount of time to recreate the order from memory by tapping on images corresponding to parts of the order on the Proteus
  4. Different levels correspond to varying amounts of time to create/memorize each order, more toppings, and more orders at one time
  5. Final point counter takes into account accuracy and speed of orders
  6. Game ends when all levels have been completed

Project Proposal Form (A PDF of the following can be found here)

Instructor:  Dr. Kecskemety  Section: A2 Team Name: The Phishes
Team Members’ Names: Sery Gunawardena and Sara McGreal
Game Console: Proteus C/C++


  • Based off of Papa’s Freezeria:
  • Timed food order memory game

Basic Features

  • An order will be displayed on the Proteus briefly
  • Player has to remember the order and remake it by selecting the appropriate food items
  • Points given by accuracy and speed
  • One second in real time corresponds to one minute in the game
  • Start menu with options to see stats/rules

Additional Features

  • Randomly generated orders
  •  Lose points for making a customer wait too long
  •  Higher levels have difficult orders (more toppings, more orders at one time, less time to complete orders, more scoops of ice cream)
  • Displays statistics
  • User can choose to show the order again but will lose points
  • User can choose to see how long a customer has been waiting