Future Considerations

  1. Non-Functioning Features:
    1. Basic:
      1. The weather based features were never finished. The code for animations of them was written, but there was not enough time to fully implement them into the game in a meaningful way. One more day was all it would take to add some meaning,  such as an effect on grass health, and to implement them.
    2. Additional:
      1. Seasons were never even attempted due to time. Like many of the additional features, this was viewed as a stretch goal and would have only been attempted once previous basic goals were met. With more time to implement them, seasons would have likely rotated every few turns in order to add some variance to the game’s progression. They would have also changed how often events occurred and how the grass grew.
      2. Holiday events had a similar problem to seasons by being viewed as a stretch goal and ignored in favor of more vital functions. These events would likely be implemented as having special effects on the grass or just being a different version of an already existing event to make it more holiday themed. For example, kids running trough the yard would be replaced with trick-or-treaters.
      3. Super powerful events were another stretch goal and shunned due to the time limit. They would have been implemented as ridiculous events like a Godzilla attack that destroys your yard just to make the game more ridiculous.
      4. Supply maintenance was an interesting idea that was too complicated to attempt in the time limit. It would have probably been based out of a supply class or struct that contains variables for things like lawn mower gas, fertilizer, and other lawn care products. The player would have to spend a regularly replenishing income on these items in order to continue to do the actions associated with each supply.
      5. Location was cut due to time, but would have likely been a special difficulty and weather situation where snow may occur more often or the player would have to water frequently in order to protect against a hot climate. This would have been done by modifying values within the ranges of event occurrence and the functions for each event when a location was selected based on that location’s climate.
      6. Weather visuals were tied in with the weather feature which was cut. It would have been a part of the events class or just a stand alone function that animated rain, snow, etc. and affected the grass the way those weather events do in the real world.