Ourduino – By Team R
- $143,040 is all this world class machine costs to assemble
- Lowest in class
- Uses only 114 Joules to achieve the Final Performance Test
- Lowest in class
Time effective.
- Ourduino achieved the Final Performance Test in 50 seconds
Consumer friendly.
- The total cost only $491,139.10
- Under the $500,000 budget
- Lowest in class
Perfected Design.
- Final design is a culmination of testing and innovation
- The most efficient design seen
Ourduino uses simplicity to separate itself from the crowd. Team R has a simple motto: less is more. Less weight and less power used is more money in the pocket of our customers.
The process of creating Ourduino took months of engineering, brainstorming and collaboration. It was designed to make the city of Columbus smarter, and satisfy its consumers.