Week 3

Location: Hitchcock Hall 224 | Time: 12:45 PM | Date: 01/17/2018 | Attendees: Kendall, Taylor, Derek, Szhihen

Topics discussed:

Kendall and Taylor: Used Arduino software to create code for sample situation 1.

Derek: Secured reflectance sensors to wheels of AEV.

Kendall: Created tabs for data collected and essential tasks in R&D on u.osu.edu website.

Taylor: Started coding software for reflectance sensor test.

Group: Tested Arduino code for Exercises 1 and 2.

Group: Established goals for next lab period.

Upcoming tasks:

Upcoming lab: Finalize code for use with the reflectance sensors and upload a picture of the sensors properly installed to the AEV. Finish exercise 3 and start working on exercise 4 in order to stay on pace to complete all five exercises in three lab periods. Continue brainstorming ideas for future AEV designs.