



Date: 1/15/18

Location: Drackett Tower, Floor 11 Study Room

Method: Face-to-face

Attendees: Steve Alexopoulos, Alex Uhrich, Alex Stewart

Objective: Get to know team members, establish roles, and set up website.


  1. Completed Tasks
    1. Steve, Alex U., and Alex S. brainstormed about how to create the website for the company.
    2. Alex S. created the website using similar tactics that were used in the previous class, ENGR 1181. This was done to make the website creation process much simpler.
      1. All members of the company and teaching staff were added as administrators.
    3. It was decided that Alex U. would be the primary notetaker, Steve would be the primary timekeeper, and Alex S. would be the primary website and technology manager.
      1. This was done in order to create distinct roles that fit well with the strengths of the group.
    4. All members brainstormed a mission statement to the MCR.
      1. This was done in order to clearly state our objectives.
    5. Pictures were taken, contact information was transcribed, and an About Us page was created under the Group L tab of the Watts Scientific website.
      1. This was done in order to create an information page need any member be contacted.
  2. Tasks in Progress
    1. None.
  3. Future Assignments
    1. All group members will continue to provide feedback and edit the website in order to achieve the desired standards by the due date of Friday.

Decisions: Website was created and team bond was fostered.

Reflection: We need to get a better understanding on what is expected of the group.


Date: 1/19/18

Location: 224 Hitchcock Hall

Method: Face-to-face

Attendees: Steve Alexopoulos, Alex Uhrich, Alex Stewart

Objective: To familiarize ourselves with the Arduino software and test our materials for functionality.


  1. Completed Tasks
    1. Steve and Alex U. set up the Arduino hardware for the Arduino testing.
    2. Alex S. set up the Arduino software and tested it.
    3. Alex S. was given the additional role of chief programmer.
    4. Additional responsibilities.
      1. Steve was given the additional roles of chief AEV designer and co-chief manufacturer.
      2. Alex U. was given the additional role of co-chief manufacturer.
  2. Tasks in Progress
    1. Steve and Alex U. brainstormed AEV designs.
    2. Alex S. refined the coding process necessary for the Arduino.
    3. Finish Exercise 2, the reflectance sensor test.
  3. Future Assignments
    1. A sketch of the AEV is to be created, due a week from today.

Decisions: Arduino and reflectance sensor tests.

Reflection: Make sure that we work more quickly in lab, be more prepared for all lab tasks.


Date: 1/22/18

Location: Drackett Tower, 1st Floor

Method: Face-to-face

Attendees: Steve Alexopoulos, Alex Uhrich, Alex Stewart

Objective: To update the website, reflect on Friday’s lab, and discuss AEV design.


  1. Completed Tasks
    1. New website updates were added by Alex S. and Steve.
      1. An Arduino function calls table was added by Alex S.
      2. Progress report questions were added to Progress Report 1 by Alex U.
    2. Alex U. changed the Team Meeting Notes to fit the standards.
  2. Tasks in Progress
    1. Each member must sketch an AEV design.
    2. A picture of the reflectance sensors secured to the AEV must ben uploaded to the website.
    3. Create a name for our AEV.
    4. Activity 2 must be completed by the group.
  3. Future Assignments
    1. Preparation for the lab on Friday and further design discussion.

Decisions: Clean-up webpage to create a user-friendly experience. Deliverables from Friday’s lab were completed.

Reflection: The meeting notes needed to be overhauled as their format and content was subpar and lacking.


Date: 1/26/18

Location: 224 Hitchcock Hall

Method: Face-to-face

Attendees: Steve Alexopoulos, Alex Uhrich, Alex Stewart

Objective: To complete pR&D labs 2, 3, and 4.


  1. Completed Tasks
    1. Sample AEV was built by Steve.
    2. MATLAB GUI was downloaded and set up by Alex S.
    3. All code was finalized for Activity 2 and Activity 4 by Alex S.
  2. Tasks in Progress
    1. Activity 3, the design for the AEV, was not discussed in class.
    2. Activities 2 and 4 must be done.
  3. Future Assignments
    1. Will be meeting soon to discuss Activity 3 in order to determine the design and process for designing our AEV.
    2. Website Update 2.

Decisions: Complete Activity 3 outside of class to maximize lab testing time.

Reflection: The team is behind schedule and must work outside of class to catch up as much as possible.


Date: 1/28/18

Location: Drackett Tower, 11th Floor Study Room

Method: Face-to-face

Attendees: Steve Alexopoulos, Alex Uhrich, Alex Stewart

Objective: To complete pR&D lab 3 and work on Website Update 2.


  1. Completed Tasks
    1. pR&D lab 3 was completed. All individual designs were compared with the others’.
    2. The group discussed a group design and Steve drew an orthographic representation.
  2. Tasks in Progress
    1. Activities 2 and 4 must be completed in the next lab period.
      1. All members will be actively participating in both activities.
  3. Future Assignments
    1. Activities 2, 4, and 5 will have to be completed in pR&D lab 5.
    2. The AEV itself must be designed by Steve.

Decisions: The final team prototype was discussed and sketched out, and it was decided that one other meeting this week was necessary to finish Website Update 2 and finalize the AEV design.

Reflection: Progress was made in regards to catching up, but more must be done to be in a good position.


Date: 1/31/18

Location: Drackett Tower, 11th Floor Study Room

Method: Face-to-face

Attendees: Steven Alexopoulos, Alex Uhrich, Alex Stewart

Objective: Complete all objectives for Website Update 2 and design the AEV.


  1. Completed Tasks
    1. The AEV was manufactured by Steve.
    2. Website Update 2 material was completed, except for the addition of testing code. This was done by Alex S.
  2. Tasks in Progress
    1. Activities 2 and 4 must be completed by the group.
  3. Future Assignments
    1. Activities 2, 4, and 5 will have to be completed in pR&D lab 5.
    2. Progress Report 1 is to be done soon.
      1. By all members, but primarily by Alex U.

Decisions: The AEV was manufactured and Website Update 2 was completed.

Reflection: Preparation ahead of lab 5 has been done, preparing us adequately to get back on schedule.
