Preliminary Lab 4

Preliminary lab 4 involved building an actual AEV to conduct performance analysis on the AEV operation.  This was observed by creating two graphs; Power vs Distance and Power vs Time.  The Power vs. Time graph represents the power used by the AEV controller and motors throughout the program.  The Arduino was programmed to accelerate from 0% to 25% speed for 3 seconds as seen by the upward sloping line in Figure 4.2. Then, the motors were to travel at constant speed of 25% for 1 second and a constant speed of 20% for 2 seconds, hence the 2 horizontal lines on the graph at different levels. The motors were then programed to reverse and ran at 25% speed for 2 more seconds and finally braking when the motors have run for about 8 seconds and the line returned down to 0 power on the graph. The Power vs. Distance graph seen in Figure 4.1 represents the distance traveled based on power output. The graph shows a distance of 0 meters because the wheels of the AEV didn’t move in the test environment.  Therefore, even though power was supplied no distance was traveled.

  • A plot of Power vs. Time

  • A plot of Power vs. Distance

  • The Power vs. Time graph represents the power used by the AEV controller and motors throughout the program.
  • The Power vs. Distance graph represents the distance traveled based on power output. The graph shows a distance of 0 meters because the wheels of the AEV didn’t move in the test environment.



Arduino Code

AEV Function Calls

Preliminary Lab 04