Preliminary Lab 2

Preliminary lab 2 involved setting up the reflectance sensor to be more familiar with using it along with the function calls. From this, there were a few limitations observed in the function calls. These limitations include how using the brake(m) command doesn’t make the AEV brake right away. This is improved by using the reverse function in place of the brake function. Other limitations include having motor resistance when using the celerate command and how the goFor commands seems to be less accurate than the goToAbsolutePosition commands because goFor uses time and goToAbsolutePosition uses distance. A potential error from this lab is that the wheels were not positioned close enough to the sensors, therefore affecting the performance of the design. This is easily resolved by rearranging the wheels to be on the same side of the arm where the reflectance sensors were positioned. 


Sensors secured to the AEV correctly:

The function of the reflectance sensors is to help us measure a precise distance in which the vehicle will travel. This is done by calculating the number of revolutions which measures the distance in ticks(8 ticks = 1 revolution). They are important in completing the MCR because the sensors are able to measure a more precise distance through sensing the reflective tape on the wheels of the vehicle as compared to measuring the time.



AEV Function Calls

Preliminary Lab 02